Booth No.: W2.501
Target Groups:
Fresh Food Trading CompaniesHotel / RestaurantOffline Franchisees and Retailers
Logistical Economic Areas
Tlog 10 系列产品是一款可重复记录的PDF温湿度记录仪,具有LCD液晶显示和防误触的双按键设计,支持多种启停方式和多个报警阈值设置以及自动生成PDF数据报告等功能。主要应用于冷链食品、药品等对温度敏感货物的存储和运输过程中的温湿度记录和监测。
- The content of this System has been provided by the exhibitors and Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MM-SH”) will not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-date status of the content.
- This System includes links to external websites of third parties, MM-SH have no influence on the contents of these websites. In all cases, the respective site provider or operator shall be responsible for the content of the sites linked. MM-SH do not bear any legal liability therefrom.
- In particular, MM-SH reserves the right to make changes or extensions to the information provided without prior notification. Decisions based on the information provided on or via this System are for your own account and risk. MM-SH shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by use of information provided on or via this System.
- MM-SH do not bear any legal liability for any loss arising from any direct or indirect use of contents of this System, including without limitation the losses resulted from error, omission or virus, etc.
- The information, photos, and logos, etc. in relation to the exhibitors in this System are all provided by exhibitors and any download or use of the content for commercial purpose without authorization is prohibited. If you have any objection, please contact MM-SH.